„With this endeavor, I have been able to connect my desire for a healthy lifestyle and my belief that quality nutrition should be available to a greater portion of the Tunisian population. In this way, the production of olive oil is an expression of my social conscience.“

Cecillia Muriel

The production of olive oil is more than simply bringing a nutritious food product to the market. It means playing a role in keeping alive a trade founded on centuries of tradition with deep roots in the history and culture of Tunisia. Today, through the discoveries of modern technologies and modern science, the demand for olive has risen as a result of the recognition of the role it can play in a healthy diet.

Quality olive oil is not a given, even in the southern Mediterranean. We produce our high quality medolea olive oil from an organic grove, and with an abundance of patience, pleasure and passion. Although often under difficult circumstances, this labor of love is always done with the intention of supporting the local agriculture, craftsmanship, community, and, especially, the local women.